The Campaign to TAKE ON HATE needs your support! We promise, this is going to be GOOD.
Remember when Katie Couric said that American Muslims need their own Cosby Show to counter anti-Muslim bias? The Daily Show with Jon Stewart thought she was on to something, so they created a hilarious one-off sitcom parody titled "The Qu’osby Show," which premiered to much fanfare in 2011. Capitalizing on its success, Aasif Mandvi and his creative team thought to take the impact of the piece one step further.
What is "The Qu’osby Show"? It’s a four episode web-series that uses humor to puncture some of the prevailing myths about Muslims, while exploring many of the real challenges American Muslims confront on a regular basis. It’s an advocacy campaign that brings together organizations and individuals committed to combating anti-Muslim bias in our culture, media, law, and politics. It’s an opportunity to counter the public misperception of Muslims shaped by media coverage of ISIS and domestic demagoguery.
And yes, it’s a parody of America’s favorite ‘80s family sitcom.
We believe this is a rare opportunity to get in to the living rooms of Americans across the country to address important issues like bullying, anti-Arab sentiment, Islamophobia, and surveillance in a light satirical manner. Oh, and its funny and entertaining.
We are proud benefactors of this project and we just need $20,000 more to complete the project! Aasif is offering awesome perks for your donations! Please visit our Indiegogo page and give what you can and don’t forget to spread the word!
Thanks in advance for your support!
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