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Anti-Muslim acts escalate in US following Paris attacks

Posted on November 23, 2015


Fol­low­ing the ter­ror­ist events in Paris, hos­til­ity and attacks against the Mus­lim com­mu­nity around the coun­try have esca­lated on the ground, online and in the pub­lic discourse. 

Such anti-Muslim inci­dents and sen­ti­ment not only cre­ate an atmos­phere of fear, but also feed into claims made by ter­ror­ist orga­ni­za­tions such as ISIS of America’s inher­ent ani­mos­ity towards Islam and Mus­lims. They use this nar­ra­tive as a tac­tic to gain more support.

Below are reported threats, attacks and other inci­dents directed at the Amer­i­can Mus­lim com­mu­nity in the week fol­low­ing the Paris attacks:

Novem­ber 13: Threat­en­ing calls to a Mosque in St. Peters­burg, Florida
A man was arrested after he left sev­eral threat­en­ing voice­mails for the Islamic Cen­ter of Pinel­las County in Pinel­las Park. He report­edly cited the Paris attacks and warned that he was going to go to “fire­bomb you and shoot who­ever is there.”

Novem­ber 14: Michi­gan woman tweets threats against Mus­lims in Dear­born, Michi­gan
A woman from Fort Gra­tiot was inves­ti­gated by police after she posted a threat on Twit­ter that read: “Dear­born, MI, has the high­est Mus­lim pop­u­la­tion in the United States. Let’s (exple­tive) that place up and send a mes­sage to ISIS.”

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