ACCESS’ Campaign to TAKE ON HATE strongly condemns the shameful and blatant expression of white supremacy demonstrated in Charlottesville, Virginia this past weekend, which resulted in the loss of 3 lives and 19 injured. We cannot and will not tolerate any expression of hate, bigotry, racism or violence that is veiled in freedom of speech.
Our thoughts and hearts are with those who have suffered through and experienced the impact of this violent incident, along with victim Heather Heyer’s family and loved ones. We know that this pain is not a stranger to our communities who have consistently faced the brunt of our nation’s bigotry and injustice.
Our history has lived in the dark shadow of racism and hate, but the other side of that hate has always been illuminated by resistance. We have mobilized against this obstacle in the past and we will continue to mobilize and resist it today. The expectation and attainment of justice and tolerance in our nation is long overdue. America in the year 2017 was never meant to bring life to the shameful hate of our past. As a nation made strong by its diversity, we are deserving of a brighter and more accepting future. TAKE ON HATE remains more vigilant than ever in its commitment to see that future through.
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