The goal of the TAKE ON HATE Leadership Committee is provide advice, guidance and strategic direction support to the TAKE ON HATE Campaign. TAKE ON HATE Leadership Committee members are community leaders who are passionate about solving the problems this Campaign addresses.
Take On Hate National Leadership Committee:
Rebecca Abou-Chedid
Attorney, Chadbourne & Parke LLP
Sarab Al-Jijakli
President, Network for Arab American Professionals
Anan Ameri
Founding Director, Arab American National Museum
Susan Berresford
Philanthropic Advisor, The New York Community Trust
Khaled Beydoun
Professor of Law, Barry University Dwayne O. Andreas School of Law, Columnist, Al-Jazeera English
Azzam Elder
President/CEO, Halo Bloom, LLC
Manal Fakhoury
President/Founder, Fakhoury Leadership International
Irene Hirano
President, U.S. Japan Council
Deepa Iyer
Strategic Consultant, South Asian Americans Leading Together (SAALT)
Farhan Latif
Interim Executive Director, Institute for Social Policy & Understanding (ISPU)
Taleb Salhab
Vice President, Program & Affiliate Service, Education for Employment
Linda Sarsour
Executive Director, Arab American Association of New York